- 21 large box stall stable - indoor sand / peat arena - an outdoor grass ring - large paddocks - a 100 acre farm - 3 Wash/ Grooming bays with…
IF YOUR HORSE HAD A CHOICE, HE/SHE WOULD COME HERE! 18-stall horse barn, indoor (80' x 152') & outdoor arena, outdoor & indoor wash rack with hot…
FOR SALE One owner carefully maintained horse farm 25 min. north of Columbus, 3 mi. from I-71.80x152 indoor arena, outdoor arena, pastures, paddocks…
Horse Boarding, Arena Rental, Horses for Sale, Stallion Service Excellent Boarding Facility, indoor arena, round pen, trailer parking, quiet roads…
Specializing in Performance horses in breed showing such as AQHA,APHA, etc. to the local show levels like 4H. Vast experience in the pleasure classes…
located in South Woodslee Ontario on 65 acres of land and bush.
Our horse emphasis is on dressage and reining . The two sports have much in common and the basic training of a supple , forward horse is at the…
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